
Astrodynamics and Space Systems Laboratory



ASSL conducts research on astrodynamics (space flight dynamics) with a focus on applications to space exploration missions, which are unique to ISAS. Our research themes are experimental and analytical approaches, and include trajectory design, deep space exploration methods, spacecraft system design, GNC (navigation, guidance, and control) systems, and so on. In addition, students will have opportunities to interact with professors and other ISAS staff through research and projects, and work at the forefront of space exploration. In addition, students will acquire the essence of "space engineering" through the creation of practical problems and their application to actual missions.

Project x Research


ASSL places great importance on the relationship between projects and research, and students deepen their skills in space engineering through the interaction of the two elements: discoveries made through their involvement in JAXA projects lead to research themes, and new knowledge gained through research can be applied to future JAXA projects. The students will deepen their skills in space engineering through the interaction of the two elements.