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高尾さん 第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 最優秀論文賞 受賞

Dr.Takao received the "Young Researcher Award, Best Paper" at the 66th Space Sciences and Technology Conference


高尾さん 若手奨励賞 最優秀論文賞


Dr. Yuki Takao, who was a staff member of our laboratory until the end of last year, received the "Young Researcher Award, Best Paper" at the 66th Space Sciences and Technology Conference (UKAREN) held in Kumamoto last November!
This award is given to young researchers under 35 years old for their excellent presentations. The title of his presentation was "Proposal of One-Winged Momentum-Biased Solar Sail for Propellantless Attitude Control". This research was inspired by the technology of single-wing deployment of membrane structures, which has been developed through the HELIOS project led by our laboratory, providing a new concept of solar sail that has never existed before. The proposed method exploits the special geometry of the single-wing solar sail together with the gyroscopic effect to pass the disturbance rather than oppose it. This research realizes a new system that can freely control the attitude of solar sails without any propellant.


第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会 若手奨励賞 受賞者 / The 66th Space Science and Technology Conference Young Scientist Incentive Award